Source code for producers.output

import io
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import re

from datetime import datetime as datetime
from jinja2 import Template
from numpy import array
from pathlib import Path
from tabulate import tabulate

from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class DATAOUTPUT(): """This class will provide different methods for data output from climate dataframes Args: logger (str): A pointer to an initialized Argparse logger data_source (str): The climate database where the values are being extracted from: SILO or NASAPOWER Returns: DATAOUTPUT: A class object with access to DATAOUTPUT methods """ def __init__(self, data_source): # Setup logging # We need to pass the "logger" to any Classes or Modules that may use it # in our script try: import coloredlogs logger = logging.getLogger('POPBEAST.DATAOUTPUT') if 'bestiapop' in __name__: coloredlogs.install(fmt='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(message)s', level="WARNING", logger=logger) else: coloredlogs.install(fmt='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(message)s', level="DEBUG", logger=logger) except ModuleNotFoundError: logger = logging.getLogger('POPBEAST.DATAOUTPUT') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(message)s') console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(console_handler) if 'bestiapop' in __name__: logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Setting up class variables self.logger = logger self.data_source = data_source if 'bestiapop' in __name__: self.tqdm_enabled = True else: self.tqdm_enabled = False
[docs] def generate_output(self, final_daily_df, lat_range, lon_range, outputdir=None, output_type="met"): """Generate required Output based on Output Type selected Args: final_daily_df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame): the pandas daframe containing all the values that are going to be parsed into a specific output lat_range (numpy.ndarray): an array of latitude values to select from the final_daily_df lon_range (numpy.ndarray): an array of longitude values to select from the final_daily_df outputdir (str): the folder that will be used to store the output files output_type (str, optional): the output type: csv (not implemented yet), json(not implemented yet), met. Defaults to "met". """ # Determine the variable that has the highest range so we can # benefit from parallel processing when active, based on the # variable that can be allocated the highest ammount of cores if len(lat_range) > len(lon_range): primary_var_desc = "lat" secondary_var_desc = "lon" primary_var = lat_range secondary_var = lon_range elif len(lat_range) < len(lon_range): primary_var_desc = "lon" secondary_var_desc = "lat" primary_var = lon_range secondary_var = lat_range else: # by default, let's leave "lat" as the primary var primary_var_desc = "lat" secondary_var_desc = "lon" primary_var = lat_range secondary_var = lon_range if output_type == "stdout": # Rename df columns and sort them final_daily_df = final_daily_df.rename(columns={"days": "day","daily_rain": "rain",'min_temp':'mint','max_temp':'maxt','radiation':'radn'}) final_daily_df = final_daily_df.groupby(['lon', 'lat', 'year', 'day'])[['radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain']].sum().reset_index() for primary_data_point in tqdm(primary_var, ascii=True, desc=primary_var_desc, disable=self.tqdm_enabled): for secondary_data_point in tqdm(secondary_var, ascii=True, desc=secondary_var_desc, disable=self.tqdm_enabled): if primary_var_desc == "lat": lat = primary_data_point lon = secondary_data_point elif primary_var_desc == "lon": lon = primary_data_point lat = secondary_data_point coordinate_slice_df = final_daily_df[(final_daily_df.lon == lon) & ( == lat)] # We shall output the plain final DataFrame to stdout using tabulate print("\n") print(tabulate( coordinate_slice_df, headers=coordinate_slice_df.keys(), tablefmt='psql', numalign='right', stralign='right', showindex=False)) print("\n") if output_type == "met": # Rename variables # Check if final df is empty, if so, then return and do not proceed with the rest of the file if final_daily_df.empty == True: self.logger.error("No data in final dataframe. No file can be generated. Exiting...") return try: # Rename df columns and sort them to match order expected by MET final_daily_df = final_daily_df.rename(columns={"days": "day","daily_rain": "rain",'min_temp':'mint','max_temp':'maxt','radiation':'radn'}) final_daily_df = final_daily_df.groupby(['lon', 'lat', 'year', 'day'])[['radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain']].sum().reset_index()"Proceeding to the generation of MET files") for primary_data_point in tqdm(primary_var, ascii=True, desc=primary_var_desc, disable=self.tqdm_enabled): for secondary_data_point in tqdm(secondary_var, ascii=True, desc=secondary_var_desc, disable=self.tqdm_enabled): if primary_var_desc == "lat": lat = primary_data_point lon = secondary_data_point elif primary_var_desc == "lon": lon = primary_data_point lat = secondary_data_point coordinate_slice_df = final_daily_df[(final_daily_df.lon == lon) & ( == lat)] del coordinate_slice_df['lat'] del coordinate_slice_df['lon'] self.generate_met(outputdir, coordinate_slice_df, lat, lon) # Delete unused df del coordinate_slice_df except KeyError as e: self.logger.error("Could not find all required climate variables to generate MET: {}".format(str(e))) if output_type == "wth": # Rename variables # Check if final df is empty, if so, then return and do not proceed with the rest of the file if final_daily_df.empty == True: self.logger.error("No data in final dataframe. No file can be generated. Exiting...") return try: # Rename df columns and sort them to match order expected by DSSAT final_daily_df = final_daily_df.rename(columns={"days": "day","daily_rain": "rain",'min_temp':'mint','max_temp':'maxt','radiation':'radn'}) final_daily_df = final_daily_df.groupby(['lon', 'lat', 'year', 'day'])[['radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain']].sum().reset_index() # Let's generate DSSAT Year+JulianDay time format # Creating pandas series with last two digits of the year dssat_year_series = final_daily_df.year.apply(lambda x: str(x)[2:]) # Creating pandas series with julian days with leading zeroes up to two spaces dssat_julian_day_series = np.char.zfill(, 3) # Add DSSAT julian day values as first column final_daily_df.insert(0, 'dssatday', dssat_year_series + dssat_julian_day_series)"Proceeding to the generation of WTH files") for primary_data_point in tqdm(primary_var, ascii=True, desc=primary_var_desc, disable=self.tqdm_enabled): for secondary_data_point in tqdm(secondary_var, ascii=True, desc=secondary_var_desc, disable=self.tqdm_enabled): if primary_var_desc == "lat": lat = primary_data_point lon = secondary_data_point elif primary_var_desc == "lon": lon = primary_data_point lat = secondary_data_point coordinate_slice_df = final_daily_df[(final_daily_df.lon == lon) & ( == lat)] del coordinate_slice_df['lat'] del coordinate_slice_df['lon'] self.generate_wth(outputdir, coordinate_slice_df, lat, lon) # Delete unused df del coordinate_slice_df except KeyError as e: self.logger.error("Could not find all required climate variables to generate WTH file: {}".format(str(e))) if output_type == "dataframe": try: # Rename df columns and sort them final_daily_df = final_daily_df.rename(columns={"days": "day","daily_rain": "rain",'min_temp':'mint','max_temp':'maxt','radiation':'radn'}) final_daily_df = final_daily_df.groupby(['lon', 'lat', 'year', 'day'])[['radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain']].sum().reset_index() return final_daily_df except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) if output_type == "csv": # TODO: Clean this up... # let's build the name of the file based on the value of lat/lon combinations # followed by the climate data source used (SILO or NASA POWER) if outputdir.is_dir() == True: try: # Rename df columns and sort them final_daily_df = final_daily_df.rename(columns={"days": "day","daily_rain": "rain",'min_temp':'mint','max_temp':'maxt','radiation':'radn'}) final_daily_df = final_daily_df.groupby(['lon', 'lat', 'year', 'day'])[['radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain']].sum().reset_index() for primary_data_point in tqdm(primary_var, ascii=True, desc=primary_var_desc, disable=self.tqdm_enabled): for secondary_data_point in tqdm(secondary_var, ascii=True, desc=secondary_var_desc, disable=self.tqdm_enabled): if primary_var_desc == "lat": lat = primary_data_point lon = secondary_data_point elif primary_var_desc == "lon": lon = primary_data_point lat = secondary_data_point coordinate_slice_df = final_daily_df[(final_daily_df.lon == lon) & ( == lat)] # Let's create a CSV for each lat/lon combination csv_file_name = '{}-{}.{}.csv'.format(lat, lon, self.data_source) full_output_path = outputdir/csv_file_name self.logger.debug('Writting CSV file {} to {}'.format(csv_file_name, full_output_path)) coordinate_slice_df.to_csv(full_output_path, sep=',', index=False, mode='a', float_format='%.2f') # Let's also create a CSV containing all the datapoints csv_file_name = 'bestiapop-beastly-dataframe.csv' full_output_path = outputdir/csv_file_name self.logger.debug('Writting BEAST DATAFRAME :) CSV file {} to {}'.format(csv_file_name, full_output_path)) final_daily_df.to_csv(full_output_path, sep=',', na_rep=np.nan, index=False, mode='w', float_format='%.2f') except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e)
[docs] def generate_met(self, outputdir, met_dataframe, lat, lon): """Generate APSIM MET File Args: outputdir (str): the folder where the generated MET files will be stored met_dataframe (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame): the pandas dataframe slice to convert to MET file lat (float): the latitude for which this MET file is being generated lon (float): the longitude for which this MET file is being generated """ # Creating final MET file # Setting up Jinja2 Template for final MET file if required # Text alignment looks weird here but it must be left this way for proper output met_file_j2_template = '''[] !station number={{ lat }}-{{ lon }} !This climate file was created by BestiaPop on {{ current_date }} - Taming the Climate Beast !Check our docs in !Source: {{ data_source }} !Date period from: {{ year_from }} to {{ year_to }} Latitude={{ lat }} Longitude={{ lon }} tav={{ tav }} amp={{ amp }} year day radn maxt mint rain () () (MJ^m2) (oC) (oC) (mm) {{ vardata }} ''' j2_template = Template(met_file_j2_template) # Initialize a string buffer to receive the output of df.to_csv in-memory df_output_buffer = io.StringIO() # Save data to a buffer (same as with a regular file but in-memory): met_dataframe.to_csv(df_output_buffer, sep=" ", header=False, na_rep="NaN", index=False, mode='w', float_format='%.1f') # Get values from buffer # Go back to position 0 to read from buffer # Replace get rid of carriage return or it will add an extra new line between lines met_df_text_output = df_output_buffer.getvalue() met_df_text_output = met_df_text_output.replace("\r\n", "\n") # Calculate here the tav, amp values # Calculate amp # Get the months as a column met_dataframe.loc[:, 'cte'] = 1997364 met_dataframe.loc[:, 'day2'] = met_dataframe['day'] + met_dataframe['cte'] met_dataframe.loc[:, 'date'] = (pd.to_datetime((met_dataframe.day2 // 1000)) + pd.to_timedelta(met_dataframe.day2 % 1000, unit='D')) met_dataframe.loc[:, 'month'] = month=met_dataframe.loc[:, 'month'] met_dataframe.loc[:, 'tmean'] = met_dataframe[['maxt', 'mint']].mean(axis=1) tmeanbymonth = met_dataframe.groupby(month)[["tmean"]].mean() maxmaxtbymonth = tmeanbymonth['tmean'].max() minmaxtbymonth = tmeanbymonth['tmean'].min() amp = np.round((maxmaxtbymonth-minmaxtbymonth), decimals=5) # Calculate tav tav = tmeanbymonth.mean().tmean.round(decimals=5) # Configure some header variables current_date ="%d%m%Y") year_from = met_dataframe.year.min() year_to = met_dataframe.year.max() if self.data_source == "silo": data_source="SILO (Scientific Information for Land Owners) (" elif self.data_source == "nasapower": data_source="NASA POWER (" # Delete df del met_dataframe in_memory_met = j2_template.render( lat=lat, lon=lon, tav=tav, amp=amp, data_source=data_source, current_date=current_date, year_from=year_from, year_to=year_to, vardata=met_df_text_output ) df_output_buffer.close() full_output_path = outputdir/'{}-{}.met'.format(lat, lon) with open(full_output_path, 'w+') as f:'Writting MET file {}'.format(full_output_path)) f.write(in_memory_met)
[docs] def generate_wth(self, outputdir, wth_dataframe, lat, lon): """Generate WTH File Args: outputdir (str): the folder where the generated WTH files will be stored wth_dataframe (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame): the pandas dataframe slice to convert to WTH file lat (float): the latitude for which this WTH file is being generated lon (float): the longitude for which this WTH file is being generated """ # Creating final WTH file # Setting up Jinja2 Template for final WTH file if required # Text alignment looks weird here but it must be left this way for proper output wth_file_j2_template = '''*WEATHER DATA : {{ lat }}-{{ lon }} {{ wth_header }} {{ vardata }} ''' j2_template = Template(wth_file_j2_template) # Initialize a string buffer to receive the output of df.to_csv in-memory df_output_buffer = io.StringIO() # Save data to a buffer (same as with a regular file but in-memory): # Make a copy of the original dataframe so as to remove unnecessary values for the WTH file # but to leave the values required to calculate TAV and AMP wth_df_2 = wth_dataframe.copy() # remove year but first capture it for output file name del wth_df_2['year'] # remove day del wth_df_2['day'] # rename columns to match expected values in preparation for "tabulate" and right alignment wth_df_2 = wth_df_2.rename(columns={'dssatday':'@DATE', 'rain':'RAIN', 'mint':'TMIN', 'maxt':'TMAX', 'radn':'SRAD'}) wth_var_data_ascii = tabulate( wth_df_2.set_index('@DATE'), tablefmt='plain', numalign='right', stralign='right', headers=wth_df_2.columns.values) # Add this for float equalization if required --> floatfmt=['.2f' for x in wth_df_2.columns] df_output_buffer.write(wth_var_data_ascii) # delete df copy del wth_df_2 # Get values from buffer # Go back to position 0 to read from buffer # Replace get rid of carriage return or it will add an extra new line between lines wth_df_text_output = df_output_buffer.getvalue() # Get rid of Tabulate's annoying double-space padding wth_df_text_output = re.sub(r'^\s\s', '', wth_df_text_output) wth_df_text_output = re.sub(r'\n\s\s', '\n', wth_df_text_output) # Calculate here the tav, amp values # Calculate amp # Get the months as a column wth_dataframe.loc[:, 'cte'] = 1997364 wth_dataframe.loc[:, 'day2'] = wth_dataframe['day'] + wth_dataframe['cte'] wth_dataframe.loc[:, 'date'] = (pd.to_datetime((wth_dataframe.day2 // 1000)) + pd.to_timedelta(wth_dataframe.day2 % 1000, unit='D')) wth_dataframe.loc[:, 'month'] = month=wth_dataframe.loc[:, 'month'] wth_dataframe.loc[:, 'tmean'] = wth_dataframe[['maxt', 'mint']].mean(axis=1) tmeanbymonth = wth_dataframe.groupby(month)[["tmean"]].mean() maxmaxtbymonth = tmeanbymonth['tmean'].max() minmaxtbymonth = tmeanbymonth['tmean'].min() amp = np.round((maxmaxtbymonth-minmaxtbymonth), decimals=1) # Calculate tav tav = tmeanbymonth.mean().tmean.round(decimals=1) # Create WTH Header values # We don't have elevation? elev = -99 wth_header_dict = { '@ INSI': 'BPOP', 'LAT': [lat], 'LONG': [lon], 'ELEV': [elev], 'TAV': [tav], 'AMP': [amp], 'REFHT': [-99], 'WNDHT': [-99], } wth_dssat_header = pd.DataFrame(wth_header_dict) wth_header = tabulate( wth_dssat_header.set_index('@ INSI'), tablefmt='plain', numalign='right', stralign='right', headers=wth_dssat_header.columns.values, floatfmt=('', '.2f', '.2f', '.1f', '.1f', '.1f', '.1f', '.1f') ) # Get rid of Tabulate's annoying double-space padding wth_header = re.sub(r"^\s\s", "", wth_header) wth_header = re.sub(r"\n\s\s", "\n", wth_header) # Get required values to configure WTH file name as per DSSAT convention flat = str(lat).replace(".", "") flon = str(lon).replace(".", "") fyear_array = wth_dataframe['dssatday'].apply(lambda x: int(str(x)[:2:])).unique() fyear = fyear_array[0] fyear_len = len(fyear_array) # Delete df del wth_dataframe in_memory_dssat = j2_template.render( lat=lat, lon=lon, wth_header=wth_header, vardata=wth_df_text_output) df_output_buffer.close() full_output_path = outputdir/'{}{}{}{}.WTH'.format(flat, flon, fyear, fyear_len) with open(full_output_path, 'w+') as f:'Writting WTH file {}'.format(full_output_path)) f.write(in_memory_dssat)